Component Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
Glossary LibreOffice Help - master MPL-2.0 3% 28 51 318 28 0 0 0
Glossary LibreOffice UI - master MPL-2.0 27% 121 218 1,419 121 0 0 0
text/scalc/menu MPL-2.0 0% 8 49 431 8 0 0 0
text/sdatabase MPL-2.0 0% 1,735 20,851 153,184 1,735 0 0 0
auxiliary MPL-2.0 14% 115 343 2,581 115 0 0 0
text/sbasic/guide MPL-2.0 32% 163 1,772 14,767 163 0 0 0
text/sbasic/python MPL-2.0 0% 411 4,722 45,517 411 0 0 0
text/sbasic/shared MPL-2.0 43% 2,707 26,442 233,840 2,707 1 0 0
text/sbasic/shared/01 MPL-2.0 85% 10 140 1,379 10 0 0 0
text/sbasic/shared/02 MPL-2.0 75% 50 506 6,534 50 0 0 0
text/sbasic/shared/03 MPL-2.0 0% 4,199 54,078 406,886 4,199 0 0 0
text/scalc MPL-2.0 79% 24 289 2,356 24 0 0 0
text/scalc/00 MPL-2.0 4% 713 4,847 57,389 713 0 0 0
text/scalc/01 MPL-2.0 46% 4,671 57,625 500,326 4,671 10 0 0
text/scalc/02 MPL-2.0 68% 28 392 3,653 28 0 0 0
text/scalc/04 MPL-2.0 61% 80 1,204 10,550 80 0 0 0
text/scalc/05 MPL-2.0 36% 83 435 3,474 83 0 0 0
text/scalc/06 MPL-2.0 0% 1 3 17 1 0 0 0
text/scalc/guide MPL-2.0 73% 413 8,054 64,010 413 13 0 0
text/schart MPL-2.0 88% 11 159 1,099 11 0 0 0
text/schart/00 MPL-2.0 32% 42 335 3,618 42 0 0 0
text/schart/01 MPL-2.0 80% 201 3,114 23,999 201 1 0 0
text/schart/02 MPL-2.0 92% 2 18 274 2 0 0 0
text/schart/04 MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/sdraw MPL-2.0 42% 55 252 2,848 55 0 0 0
text/sdraw/00 MPL-2.0 9% 20 139 1,479 20 0 0 0
text/sdraw/01 MPL-2.0 0% 120 961 9,710 120 0 0 0
text/sdraw/04 MPL-2.0 99% 1 3 20 1 0 0 0
text/sdraw/guide MPL-2.0 73% 85 1,171 9,211 85 0 0 0
text/shared MPL-2.0 50% 126 1,147 12,530 126 0 0 0
text/shared/00 MPL-2.0 23% 1,774 19,229 202,388 1,774 1 0 0
text/shared/01 MPL-2.0 37% 4,321 49,062 432,664 4,321 9 1 0
text/shared/02 MPL-2.0 59% 945 16,214 140,415 945 0 0 0
text/shared/04 MPL-2.0 72% 88 1,396 13,246 88 0 0 0
text/shared/05 MPL-2.0 48% 101 1,386 11,570 101 0 0 0
text/shared/06 MPL-2.0 0% 55 350 8,481 55 0 0 0
text/shared/07 MPL-2.0 57% 3 59 369 3 0 0 0
text/shared/autokorr MPL-2.0 97% 1 19 213 1 0 0 0
text/shared/autopi MPL-2.0 80% 140 2,046 14,561 140 0 0 0
text/shared/guide MPL-2.0 51% 1,632 22,937 196,629 1,632 5 0 0
text/shared/help MPL-2.0 0% 102 309 4,723 102 0 0 0
text/shared/menu MPL-2.0 0% 130 994 9,814 130 0 0 0
text/shared/optionen MPL-2.0 50% 1,032 17,372 154,884 1,032 5 1 0
text/simpress MPL-2.0 61% 66 580 4,057 66 0 0 0
text/simpress/00 MPL-2.0 30% 130 848 10,326 130 0 0 0
text/simpress/01 MPL-2.0 66% 327 3,622 36,502 327 0 0 0
text/simpress/02 MPL-2.0 66% 205 3,315 32,113 205 0 0 0
text/simpress/04 MPL-2.0 61% 97 492 5,619 97 0 0 0
text/simpress/guide MPL-2.0 62% 252 4,079 36,117 252 0 0 0
text/smath MPL-2.0 94% 3 86 600 3 0 0 0
text/smath/00 MPL-2.0 69% 19 191 1,965 19 0 0 0
text/smath/01 MPL-2.0 62% 572 6,247 82,673 572 1 0 0
text/smath/02 MPL-2.0 83% 1 43 295 1 0 0 0
text/smath/04 MPL-2.0 96% 1 5 31 1 0 0 0
text/smath/06 MPL-2.0 0% 7 41 1,129 7 0 0 0
text/smath/guide MPL-2.0 54% 64 476 3,328 64 0 0 0
text/swriter MPL-2.0 45% 119 1,043 10,470 119 0 0 0
text/swriter/00 MPL-2.0 13% 447 3,437 38,621 447 1 0 0
text/swriter/01 MPL-2.0 52% 1,844 23,193 203,855 1,844 8 0 0
text/swriter/02 MPL-2.0 47% 262 2,568 23,104 262 0 0 0
text/swriter/04 MPL-2.0 86% 36 517 4,218 36 0 0 0
text/swriter/guide MPL-2.0 68% 725 13,100 112,810 725 2 0 0
text/swriter/librelogo MPL-2.0 11% 287 3,316 20,556 286 0 0 0
text/swriter/menu MPL-2.0 0% 55 471 4,625 55 0 0 0


Project website
Language English (South Africa)
Language code en_ZA
Text direction Left to right
Number of speakers 18,737,206
5 hours ago

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 56,941 638,247 5,418,462
Translated 43% 24,996 39% 250,102 37% 2,023,491
Needs editing 1% 1 1% 1 1% 5
Read-only 1% 1 1% 1 1% 7
Failing checks 1% 57 1% 1,844 1% 19,905
Strings with suggestions 1% 2 1% 12 1% 159
Untranslated strings 56% 31,944 60% 388,144 62% 3,394,966

Quick numbers

638 k
Hosted words
Hosted strings
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Trends of last 30 days

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Hosted strings
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The “en-ZA/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/01.po” file was changed. 10 days ago
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