Component Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
auxiliary MPL-2.0 85% 20 46 379 20 0 0 0
text/sbasic/guide MPL-2.0 34% 157 1,730 14,455 157 3 0 0
text/sbasic/python MPL-2.0 4% 392 4,654 44,841 392 0 0 0
text/sbasic/shared MPL-2.0 61% 1,861 23,558 200,828 1,861 73 0 0
text/sbasic/shared/01 MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/sbasic/shared/02 MPL-2.0 81% 38 350 5,089 38 0 0 0
text/sbasic/shared/03 MPL-2.0 14% 3,595 53,205 400,305 3,595 0 0 0
text/scalc MPL-2.0 91% 10 95 915 10 0 0 0
text/scalc/00 MPL-2.0 20% 589 3,880 47,781 589 9 0 0
text/scalc/01 MPL-2.0 58% 3,648 51,165 446,712 3,648 25 0 0
text/scalc/02 MPL-2.0 88% 10 80 1,410 10 0 0 0
text/scalc/04 MPL-2.0 84% 32 825 6,013 32 13 0 0
text/scalc/05 MPL-2.0 87% 16 233 1,854 16 1 0 0
text/scalc/06 MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/scalc/guide MPL-2.0 77% 346 6,672 52,950 346 17 0 0
text/scalc/menu MPL-2.0 0% 8 49 431 8 0 0 0
text/schart MPL-2.0 97% 2 21 264 2 0 0 0
text/schart/00 MPL-2.0 85% 9 68 1,175 9 6 0 0
text/schart/01 MPL-2.0 95% 41 615 4,164 41 16 0 0
text/schart/02 MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/schart/04 MPL-2.0 100% 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
text/sdatabase MPL-2.0 4% 1,660 19,785 145,301 1,660 0 0 0
text/sdraw MPL-2.0 90% 9 81 785 9 0 0 0
text/sdraw/00 MPL-2.0 59% 9 60 564 9 3 0 0
text/sdraw/01 MPL-2.0 57% 51 640 6,111 51 0 0 0
text/sdraw/04 MPL-2.0 100% 0 0 0 0 16 0 0
text/sdraw/guide MPL-2.0 99% 2 30 241 2 3 0 0
text/shared MPL-2.0 59% 103 821 9,427 103 0 0 0
text/shared/00 MPL-2.0 35% 1,490 14,386 156,337 1,330 91 0 0
text/shared/01 MPL-2.0 57% 2,920 38,862 351,260 2,920 38 0 0
text/shared/02 MPL-2.0 62% 880 15,305 132,618 880 14 0 0
text/shared/04 MPL-2.0 96% 10 152 1,924 10 47 0 0
text/shared/05 MPL-2.0 92% 14 250 1,812 14 12 0 0
text/shared/06 MPL-2.0 78% 12 58 1,446 12 0 0 0
text/shared/07 MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/shared/autokorr MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/shared/autopi MPL-2.0 75% 177 2,880 21,230 177 2 0 0
text/shared/guide MPL-2.0 61% 1,285 20,183 174,105 1,285 53 0 0
text/shared/help MPL-2.0 86% 14 81 950 14 0 0 0
text/shared/menu MPL-2.0 16% 109 766 6,954 109 3 0 0
text/shared/optionen MPL-2.0 81% 376 6,294 61,973 376 30 0 0
text/simpress MPL-2.0 81% 32 447 2,963 32 1 0 0
text/simpress/00 MPL-2.0 36% 118 787 9,445 118 0 0 0
text/simpress/01 MPL-2.0 84% 146 1,503 15,599 146 4 0 0
text/simpress/02 MPL-2.0 69% 186 3,041 29,347 186 1 0 0
text/simpress/04 MPL-2.0 90% 23 112 1,352 23 17 0 0
text/simpress/guide MPL-2.0 93% 46 821 6,982 46 6 0 0
text/smath MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/smath/00 MPL-2.0 90% 6 46 778 6 0 0 0
text/smath/01 MPL-2.0 99% 15 616 4,720 15 9 0 0
text/smath/02 MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/smath/04 MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/smath/06 MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/smath/guide MPL-2.0 60% 56 313 2,410 56 0 0 0
text/swriter MPL-2.0 56% 95 739 7,853 95 2 0 0
text/swriter/00 MPL-2.0 31% 354 2,534 30,562 354 51 0 0
text/swriter/01 MPL-2.0 58% 1,614 25,149 214,259 1,614 20 0 0
text/swriter/02 MPL-2.0 68% 155 1,832 16,725 155 0 0 0
text/swriter/04 MPL-2.0 92% 20 299 2,699 20 50 0 0
text/swriter/guide MPL-2.0 71% 640 11,539 99,218 640 36 0 0
text/swriter/librelogo MPL-2.0 97% 9 275 2,030 9 3 0 0
text/swriter/menu MPL-2.0 29% 39 366 3,605 39 0 0 0


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Language Estonian
Language code et
Text direction Left to right
Case sensitivity Case-sensitive
Number of speakers 853,779
9 hours ago

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 56,724 636,762 5,405,120
Translated 58% 33,275 50% 318,463 49% 2,651,969
Needs editing 1% 160 1% 2,137 1% 19,296
Read-only 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0
Failing checks 1% 676 1% 8,563 1% 96,703
Strings with suggestions 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0
Untranslated strings 41% 23,289 49% 316,162 50% 2,733,855

Quick numbers

636 k
Hosted words
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

Trends of last 30 days

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Hosted strings
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The “et/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/librelogo.po” file was changed. 3 weeks ago
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The “et/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po” file was changed. 3 weeks ago
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