Component Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
auxiliary MPL-2.0 77% 28 94 745 28 1 0 0
text/sbasic/guide MPL-2.0 38% 147 1,618 13,366 147 15 0 0
text/sbasic/python MPL-2.0 0% 406 4,682 45,202 406 0 0 0
text/sbasic/shared MPL-2.0 58% 1,984 21,413 189,754 1,984 174 0 0
text/sbasic/shared/01 MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/sbasic/shared/02 MPL-2.0 81% 38 377 5,181 38 0 0 0
text/sbasic/shared/03 MPL-2.0 1% 4,139 53,676 401,279 4,139 0 0 0
text/scalc MPL-2.0 88% 16 200 1,898 16 0 0 0
text/scalc/00 MPL-2.0 10% 491 3,325 38,934 491 0 0 0
text/scalc/01 MPL-2.0 65% 2,938 36,749 319,975 2,938 4 0 0
text/scalc/02 MPL-2.0 77% 22 331 2,788 22 0 0 0
text/scalc/04 MPL-2.0 70% 62 958 8,733 62 0 0 0
text/scalc/05 MPL-2.0 64% 46 329 2,649 46 0 0 0
text/scalc/06 MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/scalc/guide MPL-2.0 83% 264 5,235 40,551 264 0 0 0
text/scalc/menu MPL-2.0 0% 8 49 431 8 0 0 0
text/schart MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/schart/00 MPL-2.0 90% 6 83 634 6 0 0 0
text/schart/01 MPL-2.0 94% 51 786 5,498 51 0 0 0
text/schart/02 MPL-2.0 92% 2 18 274 2 0 0 0
text/schart/04 MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/sdatabase MPL-2.0 1% 1,728 20,866 152,968 1,728 0 0 0
text/sdraw MPL-2.0 64% 41 272 2,280 41 0 0 0
text/sdraw/00 MPL-2.0 14% 18 127 1,490 18 0 0 0
text/sdraw/01 MPL-2.0 23% 83 765 7,818 83 0 0 0
text/sdraw/04 MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/sdraw/guide MPL-2.0 79% 65 780 6,099 65 0 0 0
text/shared MPL-2.0 63% 95 936 10,662 95 0 0 0
text/shared/00 MPL-2.0 35% 1,385 14,113 148,947 1,385 20 0 0
text/shared/01 MPL-2.0 58% 2,703 33,616 295,610 2,703 17 0 0
text/shared/02 MPL-2.0 66% 767 14,293 122,886 767 3 0 0
text/shared/04 MPL-2.0 84% 50 1,190 11,799 50 0 0 0
text/shared/05 MPL-2.0 58% 83 1,281 10,186 83 0 0 0
text/shared/06 MPL-2.0 5% 55 355 8,606 55 0 0 0
text/shared/07 MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/shared/autokorr MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/shared/autopi MPL-2.0 99% 3 33 269 3 0 0 0
text/shared/guide MPL-2.0 63% 1,213 16,095 137,961 1,213 9 0 0
text/shared/help MPL-2.0 72% 28 139 1,816 28 0 0 0
text/shared/menu MPL-2.0 5% 148 998 10,960 148 0 0 0
text/shared/optionen MPL-2.0 80% 404 7,165 69,044 404 13 0 0
text/simpress MPL-2.0 59% 90 694 5,227 90 0 0 0
text/simpress/00 MPL-2.0 39% 101 693 8,120 101 0 0 0
text/simpress/01 MPL-2.0 84% 162 1,625 17,722 162 0 0 0
text/simpress/02 MPL-2.0 68% 207 3,233 32,192 207 0 0 0
text/simpress/04 MPL-2.0 81% 48 301 4,452 48 0 0 0
text/simpress/guide MPL-2.0 84% 104 1,955 19,256 104 0 0 0
text/smath MPL-2.0 96% 2 64 442 2 0 0 0
text/smath/00 MPL-2.0 87% 8 59 969 8 0 0 0
text/smath/01 MPL-2.0 71% 439 4,529 67,098 439 3 0 0
text/smath/02 MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/smath/04 MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/smath/06 MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/smath/guide MPL-2.0 60% 56 313 2,410 56 0 0 0
text/swriter MPL-2.0 59% 101 847 9,134 101 0 0 0
text/swriter/00 MPL-2.0 20% 407 2,965 34,584 407 0 0 0
text/swriter/01 MPL-2.0 69% 1,130 14,736 133,440 1,130 4 0 0
text/swriter/02 MPL-2.0 57% 213 2,076 19,079 213 2 0 0
text/swriter/04 MPL-2.0 89% 26 387 3,165 26 0 0 0
text/swriter/guide MPL-2.0 78% 487 8,393 74,735 487 3 0 0
text/swriter/librelogo MPL-2.0 97% 9 275 2,030 9 0 0 0
text/swriter/menu MPL-2.0 29% 39 366 3,605 39 0 0 0


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Language Amharic
Language code am
Text direction Left to right
Case sensitivity Case-insensitive
Number of speakers 39,176,975
3 days ago

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 55,641 627,095 5,296,646
Translated 58% 32,495 54% 340,637 52% 2,781,693
Needs editing 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0
Read-only 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0
Failing checks 1% 268 1% 1,646 1% 11,043
Strings with suggestions 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0
Untranslated strings 41% 23,146 45% 286,458 47% 2,514,953

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627 k
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