Component Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
auxiliary MPL-2.0 12% 118 346 2,605 118 0 0 0
text/sbasic/guide MPL-2.0 18% 195 2,309 18,432 195 6 0 0
text/sbasic/python MPL-2.0 0% 411 4,722 45,517 411 0 0 0
text/sbasic/shared MPL-2.0 48% 2,492 27,041 235,275 2,492 205 0 0
text/sbasic/shared/01 MPL-2.0 85% 10 140 1,379 10 7 0 0
text/sbasic/shared/02 MPL-2.0 54% 92 1,199 11,727 92 1 0 0
text/sbasic/shared/03 MPL-2.0 12% 3,657 53,422 403,803 3,657 1 0 0
text/scalc MPL-2.0 76% 27 323 2,654 27 1 0 0
text/scalc/00 MPL-2.0 4% 707 4,829 57,183 707 0 0 0
text/scalc/01 MPL-2.0 49% 4,389 58,115 498,691 4,389 944 0 0
text/scalc/02 MPL-2.0 68% 28 392 3,820 28 5 0 0
text/scalc/04 MPL-2.0 60% 84 1,239 10,744 84 0 0 0
text/scalc/05 MPL-2.0 28% 94 674 5,114 94 1 0 0
text/scalc/06 MPL-2.0 0% 1 3 17 1 0 0 0
text/scalc/guide MPL-2.0 59% 624 11,437 89,310 624 90 0 0
text/scalc/menu MPL-2.0 0% 8 49 431 8 0 0 0
text/schart MPL-2.0 16% 80 871 6,506 80 1 0 0
text/schart/00 MPL-2.0 32% 42 335 3,618 42 0 0 0
text/schart/01 MPL-2.0 29% 714 10,906 76,816 714 11 0 0
text/schart/02 MPL-2.0 92% 2 18 274 2 3 0 0
text/schart/04 MPL-2.0 96% 1 3 125 1 0 0 0
text/sdatabase MPL-2.0 0% 1,735 20,851 153,184 1,735 0 0 0
text/sdraw MPL-2.0 42% 55 252 2,848 55 0 0 0
text/sdraw/00 MPL-2.0 9% 20 139 1,479 20 0 0 0
text/sdraw/01 MPL-2.0 0% 120 961 9,710 120 0 0 0
text/sdraw/04 MPL-2.0 96% 4 61 736 4 0 0 0
text/sdraw/guide MPL-2.0 71% 92 1,226 9,573 92 23 0 0
text/shared MPL-2.0 48% 133 1,216 13,176 133 5 0 0
text/shared/00 MPL-2.0 23% 1,764 19,061 200,211 1,764 24 0 0
text/shared/01 MPL-2.0 17% 5,673 67,823 593,626 5,673 8 0 0
text/shared/02 MPL-2.0 56% 1,002 17,405 148,915 1,002 50 0 0
text/shared/04 MPL-2.0 70% 95 1,447 13,534 95 0 0 0
text/shared/05 MPL-2.0 43% 111 1,540 12,649 111 11 0 0
text/shared/06 MPL-2.0 0% 55 350 8,481 55 0 0 0
text/shared/07 MPL-2.0 57% 3 59 369 3 0 0 0
text/shared/autokorr MPL-2.0 97% 1 19 213 1 0 0 0
text/shared/autopi MPL-2.0 77% 164 2,441 17,428 164 11 0 0
text/shared/guide MPL-2.0 42% 1,939 28,613 239,911 1,939 90 0 0
text/shared/help MPL-2.0 0% 102 309 4,723 102 0 0 0
text/shared/menu MPL-2.0 0% 130 994 9,814 130 0 0 0
text/shared/optionen MPL-2.0 46% 1,113 18,786 166,220 1,113 31 0 0
text/simpress MPL-2.0 63% 62 709 4,974 62 2 0 0
text/simpress/00 MPL-2.0 29% 131 873 10,491 131 0 0 0
text/simpress/01 MPL-2.0 64% 345 3,844 38,078 345 33 0 0
text/simpress/02 MPL-2.0 66% 210 3,445 33,269 210 7 0 0
text/simpress/04 MPL-2.0 59% 102 550 5,948 102 0 0 0
text/simpress/guide MPL-2.0 50% 335 5,830 47,350 335 21 0 0
text/smath MPL-2.0 92% 4 119 818 4 1 0 0
text/smath/00 MPL-2.0 67% 20 196 2,021 20 0 0 0
text/smath/01 MPL-2.0 52% 729 7,023 89,440 729 27 0 0
text/smath/02 MPL-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
text/smath/04 MPL-2.0 96% 1 5 31 1 0 0 0
text/smath/06 MPL-2.0 0% 7 41 1,129 7 0 0 0
text/smath/guide MPL-2.0 38% 87 847 5,916 87 7 0 0
text/swriter MPL-2.0 41% 129 1,252 11,854 129 0 0 0
text/swriter/00 MPL-2.0 13% 447 3,437 38,621 447 1 0 0
text/swriter/01 MPL-2.0 55% 1,728 24,189 211,823 1,728 65 0 0
text/swriter/02 MPL-2.0 54% 225 2,553 23,222 225 8 0 0
text/swriter/04 MPL-2.0 79% 52 604 5,515 52 0 0 0
text/swriter/guide MPL-2.0 51% 1,118 19,113 159,320 1,118 91 0 0
text/swriter/librelogo MPL-2.0 11% 288 3,317 20,558 287 0 0 0
text/swriter/menu MPL-2.0 0% 55 471 4,625 55 0 0 0


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Language Tibetan
Language code bo
Text direction Left to right
Case sensitivity Case-insensitive
Number of speakers 3,061,778
3 days ago

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 56,724 636,762 5,405,120
Translated 39% 22,562 30% 196,418 29% 1,609,276
Needs editing 1% 1 1% 1 1% 5
Read-only 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0
Failing checks 3% 1,792 3% 21,969 4% 243,693
Strings with suggestions 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0
Untranslated strings 60% 34,161 69% 440,343 70% 3,795,839

Quick numbers

636 k
Hosted words
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

Trends of last 30 days

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Hosted strings
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The “bo/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po” file was changed. 4 weeks ago
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