You can choose various unary and binary operators to build your $[officename] Math formula. Unary refers to operators that affect one placeholder. Binary refers to operators that connect two placeholders. The lower area of the Elements pane displays the individual operators. The <link href="text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#contextmenu">context menu</link> of the <emph>Commands</emph> window also contains a list of these operators, as well as additional operators. If you need an operator that is not contained in the Elements pane, use the context menu or type it directly in the <emph>Commands</emph> window.
Hainbat eragile unario eta bitar aukeratu daitezke $[officename] Math formula bat eraikitzeko. Unarioa leku-marka bati eragiten dion eragilea da. Bitarra, aldiz, bi leku-marka lotzen dituen eragilea da. 'Elementuak' paneleko behealdean eragile indibidualak bistaratzen dira.<emph>Komandoak</emph> leihoaren <link href="text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#contextmenu">laster-menuak</link> eragile horien zerrenda bat dauka, beste eragile batzuez gainera. 'Elementuak' panelean ageri ez den eragileren bat behar izanez gero, erabili laster-menua edo idatzi komandoa zuzenean <emph>Komandoak</emph> leihoan.