Macros should be embedded into the database document itself. You can continue to use your document as before, however, you are encouraged to migrate your macros. The menu item 'Tools / Migrate Macros ...' will assist you with this. Note that you won't be able to embed macros into the database document itself until this migration is done.
Makri morajo biti vdelani v sam dokument zbirke podatkov. Dokument lahko uporabljate na enak način kot prej, razmislite pa o migraciji makrov. Pri tem vam bo pomagal čarovnik, ki ga najdete v meniju »Orodja / Migriraj makre ...«. Upoštevajte, da makrov v sam dokument zbirke podatkov ne boste vdelali, vse dokler ne opravite migracije.
You can continue to use your document as before, however, you are encouraged to migrate your macros. The menu item 'Tools / Migrate Macros ...' will assist you with this.
Note that you won't be able to embed macros into the database document itself until this migration is done.
Dokument lahko uporabljate na enak način kot prej, razmislite pa o migraciji makrov. Pri tem vam bo pomagal čarovnik, ki ga najdete v meniju »Orodja / Migriraj makre ...«.
Upoštevajte, da makrov v sam dokument zbirke podatkov ne boste vdelali, vse dokler ne opravite migracije.