Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/libo_help-7-6/textshared01/id/changes/?format=api&page=86
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

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    "results": [
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095787Z",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095689Z",
            "action": 59,
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            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095665Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "Format Angka",
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            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "user": null,
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095641Z",
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            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095616Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "Tampilkan nol tambahan jika bilangan memiliki lebih sedikit tempat daripada nol dalam formatnya.",
            "id": 36295419,
            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "translation": "",
            "user": null,
            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095590Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "0 (Nol)",
            "id": 36295418,
            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
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            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095563Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "Tampilkan karakter spasi daripada nol tambahan.",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095539Z",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095463Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "Jika angka berisi lebih banyak digit di sebelah kanan pembatas desimal daripada placeholder dalam format, nomor dibulatkan. Jika angka berisi lebih banyak digit di sebelah kiri pembatas desimal daripada ada placeholde dalam format, seluruh angka ditampilkan. Gunakan daftar berikut sebagai panduan untuk menggunakan pewakil ketika anda membuat kode format angka:",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095438Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "Gunakan tanda tanya (<emph>?</emph>), nol (<emph>0</emph>) atau tanda angka (<emph>#</emph>) untuk merpresentasikan digit angka untuk dimasukkan ke dalam pembilang dan penyebut pecahan. Pecahan yang tidak cocok dengan pola yang Anda tetapkan ditampilkan sebagai angka titik kambang.",
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            "action": 59,
            "target": "Gunakan nol (<emph>0</emph>), tanda nomor (<emph>#</emph>) atau tanda tanya (<emph>?</emph>) sebagai penampung dalam kode format angka anda untuk mewakili angka. <emph>#</emph> hanya menampilkan digit signifikan, sedangkan <emph>0</emph> menampilkan angka nol jika jumlah digit lebih sedikit daripada format angka. <emph>?</emph> bekerja sebagai <emph>#</emph> tetapi menambahkan karakter spasi untuk menjaga perataan desimal jika ada nol yang tidak signifikan yang tersembunyi.",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095387Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "Tempat Desimal dan Digit Signifikan",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095362Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "Bagian keempat berlaku jika konten bukan nilai, tetapi beberapa teks. Konten diwakili oleh tanda at (<emph>@</emph>).",
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            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095337Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "Anda juga dapat menetapkan kondisi ke tiga bagian, sehingga format hanya diterapkan jika suatu kondisi terpenuhi.",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095312Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "Dalam kode format nomor dengan tiga bagian, bagian pertama berlaku untuk nilai positif, bagian kedua ke nilai negatif, dan bagian ketiga ke nilai nol.",
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            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095287Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "Dalam kode format nomor dengan dua bagian, bagian pertama berlaku untuk nilai positif dan nol, dan bagian kedua berlaku untuk nilai negatif.",
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            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095262Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "Kode format angka dapat terdiri dari hingga empat bagian yang dipisahkan oleh tanda titik koma (<emph>;</emph>).",
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            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095235Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "<variable id=\"zahlenformatcodes\"><link href=\"text/shared/01/05020301.xhp\">Kode Format Angka</link></variable>",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095208Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "<bookmark_value>format kode; nomor</bookmark_value>  <bookmark_value>kondisi; dalam format nomor</bookmark_value>  <bookmark_value>format nomor; kode</bookmark_value>  <bookmark_value>format mata uang</bookmark_value>  <bookmark_value>format;mata uang/tanggal/waktu</bookmark_value>  <bookmark_value>nomor; format tanggal, waktu dan mata uang</bookmark_value>  <bookmark_value>Euro; format mata uang</bookmark_value>  <bookmark_value> format tanggal</bookmark_value>  <bookmark_value>format waktu,</bookmark_value>  <bookmark_value>format persentase,</bookmark_value>  <bookmark_value>format notasi ilmiah,</bookmark_value>  <bookmark_value>format notasi teknik,,</bookmark_value>  <bookmark_value>format pecahan,</bookmark_value>  <bookmark_value>format asli</bookmark_value>  <bookmark_value>LCID, diperpanjang</bookmark_value>",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095183Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "Kode Format Nomor",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095157Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "<link href=\"text/shared/01/05020301.xhp\">Kode format bilangan</link>: <link href=\"text/shared/01/05020301.xhp\">Kode format custom</link> ditetapkan oleh pengguna.",
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            "action": 59,
            "target": "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/commented\">Masukkan komentar untuk format nomor yang dipilih, lalu klik di luar kotak ini.</ahelp>",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095107Z",
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            "action": 59,
            "target": "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/delete\">Menghapus format nomor yang dipilih.</ahelp> Perubahan efektif setelah Anda me-restart $[officename].",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095057Z",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095032Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/edit\">Menambahkan komentar ke format nomor yang dipilih.</ahelp>",
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            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
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            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.095007Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "Sunting Komentar",
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            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.094980Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/add\">Menambahkan kode format angka yang Anda masukkan ke kategori yang ditentukan pengguna.</ahelp>",
            "id": 36295394,
            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
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            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.094956Z",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.094931Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/formatted\">Menampilkan kode format nomor untuk format yang dipilih. Anda juga dapat memasukkan format khusus.</ahelp> Opsi berikut ini hanya tersedia untuk format nomor yang ditentukan pengguna.",
            "id": 36295392,
            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.094906Z",
            "action": 59,
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.094880Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/engineering\">Dengan format ilmiah, <emph>Notasi teknik</emph> memastikan bahwa eksponen adalah kelipatan dari 3.</ahelp>",
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            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.094856Z",
            "action": 59,
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.094830Z",
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            "target": "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/thousands\">Sisipkan pemisah antar ribuan. Jenis pemisah yang digunakan bergantung pada pengaturan bahasa Anda.</ahelp>",
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            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.094806Z",
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            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.094780Z",
            "action": 59,
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            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.094756Z",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.094731Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/leadzerosed\">MAsukkan jumlah maksimum dari nol untuk ditampilkan di depan titik desimal.</ahelp>",
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            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
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            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.094707Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "Awalan nol",
            "id": 36295383,
            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.094681Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/denominatored\">Dengan format pecahan, masukkan jumlah tempat untuk penyebut yang ingin anda tampilkan.</ahelp>",
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            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
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            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.094656Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "Tempat penyebut",
            "id": 36295381,
            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
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            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.094629Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/decimalsed\">Masukkan jumlah tempat desimal yang ingin anda tampilkan.</ahelp>",
            "id": 36295380,
            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
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            "user": null,
            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.094600Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "Letak desimal",
            "id": 36295379,
            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "user": null,
            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.094575Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "Tentukan opsi utuk format yang dipilih.",
            "id": 36295378,
            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "translation": "",
            "user": null,
            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:39:55.094551Z",
            "action": 59,
            "target": "Opsi",
            "id": 36295377,
            "action_name": "String updated in the repository",
            "url": ""