Translation components API.
See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.
GET /api/translations/libo_help-24-2/textsharedoptionen/ca/changes/?format=api&page=8", "previous": "", "results": [ { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773857Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 46503599, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773835Z", "action": 59, "target": "Utilitza tipus ampliats", "id": 46503598, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773814Z", "action": 59, "target": "Característiques de llengua", "id": 46503597, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773793Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/optbasicidepage/autoclose_proc\">Insereix automàticament les sentències de tancament per a procediments.</ahelp>%PRODUCTNAME Basic IDE afegirà una declaració <item type=\"literal\">End Sub</item> o <item type=\"literal\">End End Function</item> després d'escriure una sentència <item type=\"literal\">Sub</item> o <item type=\"literal\">Function</item> i prémer <item type=\"keycode\">Intro</item>.", "id": 46503596, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773771Z", "action": 59, "target": "Tanca automàticament els procediments", "id": 46503595, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773750Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/optbasicidepage/autoclose_paren\">Tanca automàticament els parèntesis oberts.</ahelp> %PRODUCTNAME Basic IDE afegirà un parèntesi de tancament «)» cada vegada que escriviu un parèntesi d'obertura «(“.", "id": 46503594, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773730Z", "action": 59, "target": "Tanca automàticament els parèntesis", "id": 46503593, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773709Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/optbasicidepage/autoclose_quotes\">Tanca automàticament les cometes obertes.</ahelp> %PRODUCTNAME IDE bàsic afegirà una cita de tancament cada vegada que escriviu una cita d'obertura. Handy per inserir cadenes al codi del Basic.", "id": 46503592, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773689Z", "action": 59, "target": "Tanca automàticament les cometes", "id": 46503591, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773668Z", "action": 59, "target": "Exemples:", "id": 46503590, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773647Z", "action": 59, "target": "Les paraules clau bàsiques també es corregeixen automàticament (la llista de paraules clau s'agafa de l'analitzador).", "id": 46503589, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773626Z", "action": 59, "target": "i quan s'escriu <item type=\"literal\">Intvar</item> es corregirà a <item type=\"literal\">intVar</item> per a fer-se càrrec del cas existent en la declaració de <item type=\"literal\">intVar</item>.", "id": 46503588, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773605Z", "action": 59, "target": "Exemple:", "id": 46503587, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773583Z", "action": 59, "target": "Correcte de casos de variables i paraules clau del Basic mentre escriviu.</ahelp> %PRODUCTNAME IDE del Basic modificarà l'escriptura de les sentències del Basic i de les variables del vostre codi per millorar l'estil de codificació i la llegibilitat. Les modificacions del codi es basen en les declaracions de variables del programa i en les ordres del Basic del 0%PRODUCTNAME analitzades.", "id": 46503586, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773563Z", "action": 59, "target": "Correcció automàtica", "id": 46503585, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773542Z", "action": 59, "target": "Aquests són ajudants de programació per al programador bàsic.", "id": 46503584, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773521Z", "action": 59, "target": "Suggeriments de codi", "id": 46503583, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773500Z", "action": 59, "target": "és una definició de variable vàlida i és possible accedir als seus mètodes mitjançant l'operador punt («.»).", "id": 46503582, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773478Z", "action": 59, "target": "Exemple:", "id": 46503581, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773457Z", "action": 59, "target": "En escriure el nom del mètode i prémer la tecla <item type=\"keycode\">Tab</item> una vegada que completi l'entrada seleccionada prement la tecla Tab tornarà a passar per les coincidències amb el prefix més llarg. Per exemple quan s'escriu <item type=\"literal\">aVar.aMeth</item> es desplaçarà per les entrades <item type=\"literal\">aMeth1 aMethod2 aMethod3</item> i altres entrades no s'oculten.", "id": 46503580, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773436Z", "action": 59, "target": "Quan una variable és una interfície o estructura unO apareix un quadre de llista en prémer el punt després del nom d'una variable (com ara el <item type=\"literal\">aVar). Els seus mètodes i variables es mostren just a sota. Podeu navegar entre els mètodes suggerits i les variables amb les tecles de fletxa. Per inserir l'entrada seleccionada premeu la tecla <item type=\"keycode\">introduïu</item> o feu doble clic amb el ratolí. Per cancel·lar el quadre de llista premeu la tecla <item type=\"keycode\">Esc</item>.", "id": 46503579, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773412Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 46503578, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773376Z", "action": 59, "target": "Habilita la compleció de codi", "id": 46503577, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773338Z", "action": 59, "target": "Aquesta característica ajuda al programador bàsic a completar el codi desa l'extensa mecanografia i ajuda a reduir els errors de codificació.", "id": 46503576, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773303Z", "action": 59, "target": "Compleció de codi", "id": 46503575, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773268Z", "action": 59, "target": "Defineix els ajustaments per a l'EID del Basic (entorn de desenvolupament integrat) per ajudar a editar macros al Basic.", "id": 46503574, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773234Z", "action": 59, "target": "<link href=\"text/shared/optionen/BasicIDE.xhp\">EID del Basic</link>", "id": 46503573, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773197Z", "action": 59, "target": "<bookmark_value>Basic IDE;Autocorreció</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>Basic IDE;Autocompleció</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>Basic IDE;Autoclose cometes</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>Basic IDE;Basic UNO tipus ampliats</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>Basic IDE;Autoclose parèntesi</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>Basic IDE;opcions</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>opcions;Basic IDE</bookmark_value>", "id": 46503572, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773161Z", "action": 59, "target": "IDE bàsic", "id": 46503571, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773126Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/databaselinkdialog/name\">Introduïu un nom per a la base de dades. El %PRODUCTNAME utilitzarà aquest nom per accedir a la base de dades.</ahelp>", "id": 46503570, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773092Z", "action": 59, "target": "Nom registrat", "id": 46503569, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773071Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/databaselinkdialog/browse\">Obre un diàleg de fitxer on podeu seleccionar el fitxer de base de dades.</ahelp>", "id": 46503568, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773050Z", "action": 59, "target": "Navega", "id": 46503567, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773028Z", "action": 59, "target": "Introduïu el camí i el nom de fitxer per al fitxer de base de dades. El nom del fitxer ha d'acabar amb l'extensió *.odb.", "id": 46503566, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.773007Z", "action": 59, "target": "Fitxer de base de dades", "id": 46503565, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.772985Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\".\">Crea o edita una entrada a la pestanya <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01160200.xhp\">Bases de dades </link>.</ahelp>", "id": 46503564, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.772959Z", "action": 59, "target": "Enllaça a una base de dades", "id": 46503563, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.772938Z", "action": 59, "target": "Enllaça a una base de dades", "id": 46503562, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.772916Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/dbregisterpage/edit\">Obre el diàleg <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01160201.xhp\">Database Enllaça</link> per editar l'entrada seleccionada.</ahelp>", "id": 46503561, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.772895Z", "action": 59, "target": "Edita", "id": 46503560, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.772874Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/dbregisterpage/delete\">Elimina l'entrada seleccionada de la llista.</ahelp>", "id": 46503559, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.772851Z", "action": 59, "target": "Suprimeix", "id": 46503558, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.772819Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/dbregisterpage/new\">Obre el diàleg <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01160201.xhp\">Database Enllaça</link> per crear una nova entrada.</ahelp>", "id": 46503557, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.772797Z", "action": 59, "target": "Nou", "id": 46503556, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.772776Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"CUI_HID_DBPATH_CTL_PATH\">Llista el nom registrat i el fitxer de base de dades de totes les bases de dades registrades. Feu doble clic en una entrada per editar.</ahelp>", "id": 46503555, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.772756Z", "action": 59, "target": "Bases de dades registrades", "id": 46503554, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.772735Z", "action": 59, "target": "Afegiu, modifiqueu o suprimiu entrades de la llista de bases de dades registrades. Cal que registreu una base de dades a dins del %PRODUCTNAME per a veure-la a la finestra <emph>Visualitza ▸ Fonts de dades</emph>.", "id": 46503553, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.772713Z", "action": 59, "target": "<link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01160200.xhp\">Bases de dades</link>", "id": 46503552, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.772680Z", "action": 59, "target": "Bases de dades registrades", "id": 46503551, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:21:45.772658Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/connpooloptions/timeout\">Defineix el temps en segons després del qual s'alliberarà una connexió habilitada.</ahelp> Podeu establir el temps entre 30 i 600 segons.", "id": 46503550, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" } ] }{ "count": 2074, "next": "