Translation components API.
See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.
GET /api/translations/libo_help-24-2/textshared00/da/changes/?format=api&page=55", "previous": "", "results": [ { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.580002Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 46288152, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579982Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 46288151, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579961Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 46288150, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579940Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 46288149, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579919Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 46288148, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579897Z", "action": 59, "target": "Det valgte sprog har indflydelse på, hvordan sådanne specielle tal genkendes, da forskellige sprog og regioner har forskellige konventioner for specialtal.", "id": 46288147, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579876Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 46288146, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579855Z", "action": 59, "target": "Detekter specielle tal", "id": 46288145, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579833Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\".\">Når denne indstilling er aktiveret, vil felter og celler der er omkranset af citationstegn (hvor både første og sidste tegn i strengen er lig med den valgte tekstskilletegn) blive importeret som tekst.</ahelp>", "id": 46288144, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579811Z", "action": 59, "target": "Formater anførte felt som tekst", "id": 46288143, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579790Z", "action": 59, "target": "Sætter visse andre importindstillinger.", "id": 46288142, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579769Z", "action": 59, "target": "Andre indstillinger", "id": 46288141, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579747Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"modules/scalc/ui/textimportcsv/textdelimiter\">Marker et tegn til at adskille tekstdata. Du kan kan også indtaste et tegn i tekstboksen.</ahelp>", "id": 46288140, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579726Z", "action": 59, "target": "Strengafgrænser", "id": 46288139, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579705Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\".\">Fjerner mellemrun i begyndelsen og skutningen af data felter.</ahelp>", "id": 46288138, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579683Z", "action": 59, "target": "Beskær mellemrum", "id": 46288137, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579660Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"modules/scalc/ui/textimportcsv/mergedelimiters\">Kombinerer efterfølgende skilletegn og fjerner tomme datafelter.</ahelp>", "id": 46288136, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579640Z", "action": 59, "target": "Flet separatorer", "id": 46288135, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579618Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\".\">Adskilte dato til kolonner med en kolonneseperator, du angiver. OBS: Den bryúgertilpassede seperator skal også indgå i dine data.</ahelp>", "id": 46288134, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579597Z", "action": 59, "target": "Andre", "id": 46288133, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579576Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"modules/scalc/ui/textimportcsv/space\">Inddeler data adskilt af mellemrum i kolonner.</ahelp>", "id": 46288132, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579555Z", "action": 59, "target": "Mellemrum", "id": 46288131, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579533Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"modules/scalc/ui/textimportcsv/comma\">Inddeler data adskilt af kommaer i kolonner.</ahelp>", "id": 46288130, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579512Z", "action": 59, "target": "Komma", "id": 46288129, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579490Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"modules/scalc/ui/textimportcsv/semicolon\">Inddeler data adskilt af semikoloner i kolonner.</ahelp>", "id": 46288128, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579469Z", "action": 59, "target": "Semikolon", "id": 46288127, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579447Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"modules/scalc/ui/textimportcsv/tab\">Inddeler data adskilt af tabulatorer i kolonner.</ahelp>", "id": 46288126, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579424Z", "action": 59, "target": "Tabulator", "id": 46288125, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579403Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"modules/scalc/ui/textimportcsv/toseparatedby\">Vælg skilletegnet, der er brugt i dine data.</ahelp>", "id": 46288124, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579381Z", "action": 59, "target": "Adskilt af", "id": 46288123, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579360Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"modules/scalc/ui/textimportcsv/tofixedwidth\">Skiller data med fast bredde (ens antal tegn) i kolonner.</ahelp> Klik på linealen i forhåndsvisningen for at sætte bredden.", "id": 46288122, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579336Z", "action": 59, "target": "Fast bredde", "id": 46288121, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579315Z", "action": 59, "target": "Angiver om dine data bruger skilletegn eller faste bredder som skilletegn.", "id": 46288120, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579294Z", "action": 59, "target": "Skilletegnsindstillinger", "id": 46288119, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579272Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"modules/scalc/ui/textimportcsv/fromrow\">Specificerer rækken, hvor du vil begynde at importere.</ahelp> Rækkerne er synlige i forhåndsvisningen i bunden af dialogen.", "id": 46288118, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579250Z", "action": 59, "target": "Fra række", "id": 46288117, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579227Z", "action": 59, "target": "Når et HTML dokument importeres, kan indstillingen for sprog komme i konflikt med den globale indstilling for HTML. <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01030500.xhp\">Brug lokaliteten 'Engelsk (USA)' for tal</link>. Den globale indstilling af HTML gælder kun hvis Automatisk sprog er valgt. Hvis du vælger et specifikt sprog i indstillingerne for import af HTML, vil den globale instilling blive ignoreret.", "id": 46288116, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579205Z", "action": 59, "target": "Hvis sprog er sat til Standard (til import af CSV) eller Automatisk (til import af HTML), vil Calc bruge det globalt indstillede sprog. Hvis Sprog er indstillet til et specifikt sprog, vil dette blive brugt når der importeres tal.", "id": 46288115, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579184Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\".\">Afgør hvordan talstrenge importeres.</ahelp>", "id": 46288114, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579162Z", "action": 59, "target": "Sprog", "id": 46288113, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579140Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"modules/scalc/ui/textimportcsv/charset\">Angiver tegnsættet, der skal bruges i den importerede fil.</ahelp>", "id": 46288112, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579118Z", "action": 59, "target": "Tegnsæt", "id": 46288111, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579096Z", "action": 59, "target": "Importer", "id": 46288110, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579074Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"modules/scalc/ui/textimportcsv/TextImportCsvDialog\">Indstiller importindstillinger for adskilte data.</ahelp>", "id": 46288109, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579052Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 46288108, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579030Z", "action": 59, "target": "Tekstimport", "id": 46288107, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.579008Z", "action": 59, "target": "Justeringen Venstre, Centreret og Højre vil blive være frembragt af indsatte mellemrum.", "id": 46288106, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.578978Z", "action": 59, "target": "Hvis en tekststreng er længere end den faste kolonnebredde, bliver slutningen skåret væk.", "id": 46288105, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.578939Z", "action": 59, "target": "Hvis en værdi er længere end den faste kolonnebredde, bliver den eksporteret som '###'.", "id": 46288104, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2024-02-01T17:16:50.578904Z", "action": 59, "target": "Værdier bliver eksporteret i det format, der vises i cellen.", "id": 46288103, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" } ] }{ "count": 3380, "next": "