Translation projects API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/projects/website/changes/?format=api&page=521
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

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    "results": [
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-19T11:56:33.593175Z",
            "action": 5,
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-19T11:55:58.767081Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-19T11:55:47.533851Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-19T11:55:33.527220Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-19T11:55:27.280242Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-19T11:55:13.880756Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-19T11:54:49.654795Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-19T11:53:17.573724Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-19T11:51:58.736040Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-19T11:51:24.362658Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-19T11:51:07.909043Z",
            "action": 5,
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-19T09:00:00.891453Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-19T09:00:00.761185Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-18T22:31:43.505313Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-18T22:31:33.917450Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-14T08:37:55.038641Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-14T08:36:04.491985Z",
            "action": 4,
            "target": "O introduïu una quantitat personalitzada i una moneda<br/>(només les marcades amb * estan disponibles via PayPal)",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-14T08:34:44.942424Z",
            "action": 4,
            "target": "Tingueu en compte que el donatiu encara no s'ha confirmat. Si us plau, comproveu als vostres registres que el donatiu s'ha realitzat correctament.",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-14T08:33:56.184725Z",
            "action": 4,
            "target": "The Document Foundation us vol agraïr la vostra generosa contribució. Hem rebut el vostre pagament! Gaudiu del LibreOffice i moltes gràcies pel vostre suport!",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-14T08:33:32.192079Z",
            "action": 4,
            "target": "The Document Foundation us vol agraïr la vostra generosa contribució. Hem rebut el vostre pagament! Gaudiu del LibreOffice i moltes gràcies pel vostre suport!",
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            "action_name": "Suggestion added",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-14T08:30:18.641839Z",
            "action": 4,
            "target": "The Document Foundation vol agrair-vos la vostra generosa contribució. Hem rebut el vostre pagament! Gaudiu del LibreOffice i moltes gràcies pel vostre suport!",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-14T08:29:01.855360Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-14T08:28:14.234766Z",
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            "target": "Malauradament, heu cancel·lat el pagament. <b>No s'ha fet cap càrrec.</b> Torneu a provar-ho i, si teniu qualsevol problema o pregunta, no dubteu en escriure'ns a {infoemail}.",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-14T02:36:10.180973Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-13T17:36:06.304238Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-13T17:36:06.138268Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-13T17:36:06.062303Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-13T10:25:59.304255Z",
            "action": 4,
            "target": "あなたが技術愛好家、新し物好きまたはパワーユーザーならば、このバージョンは、あなたのためのものです。",
            "id": 1578775,
            "action_name": "Suggestion added",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-13T10:21:02.149834Z",
            "action": 4,
            "target": "フォローしてください",
            "id": 1578763,
            "action_name": "Suggestion added",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-13T02:05:37.292503Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "こちらのバージョンは少し古く最新機能はありませんが、より長くテストされています。もし、ビジネスとして展開をするならば、LibreOffice長期保証版(LTS)を提供する<a href=\"\">認定パートナーのサポートを受けることを強く推奨します</a>。",
            "id": 1578459,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-13T02:05:03.472097Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "{version} コードラインのRC版は現在、利用できません",
            "id": 1578458,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-13T02:04:41.825938Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "10.10以降",
            "id": 1578457,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-13T02:02:52.912189Z",
            "action": 7,
            "target": "Windows 7以降",
            "id": 1578456,
            "action_name": "Suggestion accepted",
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            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-12-13T02:02:34.705166Z",
            "action": 26,
            "target": "寄付控除",
            "id": 1578455,
            "action_name": "Suggestion removed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-12-13T02:02:27.759769Z",
            "action": 7,
            "target": "LibreOfficeは、自由(フリー)ソフトウェアで無償でご利用いただけます。<br/>寄付は純粋に任意ですが、この寄付により世界中のコミュニティを支援できます。<br/>もし、LibreOfficeを気に入っていただけたなら、ぜひ、寄付をご検討ください。",
            "id": 1578454,
            "action_name": "Suggestion accepted",
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            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-12-13T02:02:17.295748Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "または、通貨を選択して金額を入力します<br/>(PayPal(日本では利用不可)からは、 *の印がある通貨のみ利用できます)",
            "id": 1578453,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
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            "unit": "",
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-13T02:02:01.672957Z",
            "action": 7,
            "target": "または、通貨を選択して金額を入力します<br/>(PayPal(日本では利用不可)からは *がある通貨のみ利用できます)",
            "id": 1578452,
            "action_name": "Suggestion accepted",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-12-13T02:01:48.521212Z",
            "action": 7,
            "target": "以下の金額から選択します",
            "id": 1578451,
            "action_name": "Suggestion accepted",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-12-13T02:01:40.291324Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "PayPalで寄付をする(日本からは利用不可)",
            "id": 1578450,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-12-13T02:01:28.626131Z",
            "action": 7,
            "target": "PayPalで寄付をする(日本からは使えません)",
            "id": 1578449,
            "action_name": "Suggestion accepted",
            "url": ""