Translation components API.
See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.
GET /api/components/libo_help-master/textscalc01/changes/?format=api&page=6451", "previous": "", "results": [ { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T17:11:43.078764Z", "action": 5, "target": "#N/D", "id": 961020, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T17:11:15.521846Z", "action": 2, "target": "Colonne 2", "id": 961019, "action_name": "Translation changed", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T17:11:06.812728Z", "action": 5, "target": "Colonne", "id": 961018, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T17:11:02.203323Z", "action": 5, "target": "Colonne 1", "id": 961017, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T17:10:53.274000Z", "action": 5, "target": "Résultats de la moyenne glissante :", "id": 961016, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T17:10:41.685127Z", "action": 5, "target": "<emph>Intervalle</emph> : le nombre d'échantillons utilisés dans le calcul de la moyenne glissante.", "id": 961015, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T17:10:12.562403Z", "action": 5, "target": "Paramètres", "id": 961014, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T17:07:49.087728Z", "action": 5, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"modules/scalc/ui/movingaveragedialog/MovingAverageDialog\">Calcule la moyenne glissante d'une série d'heures</ahelp>", "id": 961011, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T17:06:23.354714Z", "action": 5, "target": "<bookmark_value>Outils d'analyse;moyenne glissante</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>Moyenne glissante;outils d'analyse</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>Données statistiques;moyenne glissante</bookmark_value>", "id": 961009, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T17:05:21.369234Z", "action": 5, "target": "Moyenne glissante dans Calc", "id": 961008, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T17:04:27.907337Z", "action": 5, "target": "<emph>Phase</emph>", "id": 961007, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T17:04:12.385280Z", "action": 5, "target": "<emph>Magnitude</emph>", "id": 961005, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T17:03:06.584517Z", "action": 5, "target": "<emph>Imaginaire</emph>", "id": 961003, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T17:02:56.354409Z", "action": 5, "target": "<emph>Réel</emph>", "id": 961001, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T17:02:49.321095Z", "action": 5, "target": "<emph>Plage données saisie : $B$6:$C$40</emph>", "id": 960999, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T17:02:13.778830Z", "action": 5, "target": "<emph>Plage de données saisie : $B$6:$C$40</emph>", "id": 960997, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T17:01:30.332364Z", "action": 5, "target": "Transformation de Fourier", "id": 960995, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T17:01:20.662138Z", "action": 5, "target": "Transformation de Fourier", "id": 960993, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:59:29.786688Z", "action": 5, "target": "<emph>Amplitude minimale pour la sortie sous forme polaire (en dB)</emph> : utilisée uniquement lorsque la sortie est sous forme polaire. Toutes les composantes de fréquence avec une amplitude inférieure à cette valeur en décibels seront supprimées avec une entrée de phase d'amplitude nulle. Ceci est très utile lorsque l'on regarde le spectre de magnitude-phase d'un signal car il y a toujours une très petite quantité d'erreurs d'arrondi lors de la réalisation d'algorithmes FFT et entraîne une phase non nulle incorrecte pour des fréquences inexistantes. En fournissant une valeur appropriée à ce paramètre, ces composantes de fréquence inexistantes peuvent être supprimées.", "id": 960989, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:54:27.497310Z", "action": 5, "target": "<emph>Polaire</emph> : lorsque cochée, les résultats sont dans des coordonnées polaires (magnitude, phase).", "id": 960982, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:53:38.123263Z", "action": 5, "target": "<emph>Inverser</emph> : lorsque coché, calcule l'inverse de la Discrete Fourier Transform.", "id": 960978, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:52:58.505165Z", "action": 5, "target": "Options :", "id": 960976, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:52:54.057439Z", "action": 5, "target": "La plage de saisie est une plage de 2 x N ou N x 2 représentant une matrice de nombres complexes à transformer, où N est la longueur de la matrice. La matrice représente les parts imaginaires et réelles des données.", "id": 960974, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:51:29.676597Z", "action": 5, "target": "<emph>La plage de saisie a une étiquette</emph> : marquez lorsque la première ligne ou la première colonne de la matrice d'entrée est en fait une étiquette et ne fait pas partie de l'analyse des données.", "id": 960972, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:47:26.097264Z", "action": 5, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"modules/scalc/ui/regressiondialog/RegressionDialog\">Produit l'analyse de Fourier d'un jeu de données en exécutant la Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) d'un matrice d'entrée de nombres complexes en utilisant un coupe d'algorithme de Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).</ahelp>", "id": 960967, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:43:15.104088Z", "action": 5, "target": "<bookmark_value>Outils d'analyse;analyse de Fourier</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>Analyse de Fourier;outils d'analyse</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>Statistiques de données;analyse de Fourier</bookmark_value>", "id": 960963, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:42:29.195834Z", "action": 5, "target": "Analyse de Fourier", "id": 960961, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:42:23.226714Z", "action": 5, "target": "Colonne 2", "id": 960959, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:40:58.070402Z", "action": 5, "target": "Colonne 1", "id": 960958, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:40:48.039938Z", "action": 5, "target": "Alpha", "id": 960957, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:40:41.474161Z", "action": 5, "target": "Le lissage résultant est ci-dessous avec un facteur de lissage de 0,5 :", "id": 960956, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:40:33.371789Z", "action": 5, "target": "<emph>Facteur de lissage</emph> : un paramètre entre 0 et 1 qui représente le le facteur d'amortissement Alpha dans l'équation de lissage.", "id": 960955, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:40:20.105452Z", "action": 5, "target": "Paramètres", "id": 960954, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:39:50.846877Z", "action": 5, "target": "Le lissage exponentiel est une technique de filtrage qui quand elle est appliquée à un ensemble de données, produit un résultat lissé. Il est employé dans plusieurs domaines tels que le marché boursier, l'économie et dans les mesures échantillonnées.", "id": 960952, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:36:45.368002Z", "action": 5, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"modules/scalc/ui/exponentialsmoothingdialog/ExponentialSmoothingDialog\">Résulte en une série de données lissées</ahelp>", "id": 960950, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:36:08.251022Z", "action": 5, "target": "<bookmark_value>Outils d'analyse;lissage exponentiel</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>Lissage exponentiel;outils d'anlayse</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>Statistiques de données;lissage exponentiel</bookmark_value>", "id": 960948, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:35:53.218172Z", "action": 5, "target": "Lissage exponentiel dans Calc", "id": 960947, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:35:40.821510Z", "action": 5, "target": "Nombre", "id": 960946, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:35:34.215316Z", "action": 5, "target": "Somme", "id": 960945, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:35:28.316208Z", "action": 5, "target": "Maximum", "id": 960944, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:35:23.024244Z", "action": 5, "target": "Minimum", "id": 960943, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:35:17.022535Z", "action": 5, "target": "Plage", "id": 960942, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:35:09.548492Z", "action": 5, "target": "Asymétrie", "id": 960941, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:34:58.413935Z", "action": 5, "target": "Kurtosis", "id": 960940, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:34:49.952533Z", "action": 5, "target": "Écart type", "id": 960939, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:34:36.782787Z", "action": 5, "target": "Variance", "id": 960938, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:34:06.103442Z", "action": 5, "target": "Médiane", "id": 960937, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:33:58.437018Z", "action": 5, "target": "Mode", "id": 960936, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:33:51.804898Z", "action": 5, "target": "Erreur type", "id": 960935, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2020-06-12T16:33:44.151453Z", "action": 5, "target": "Moyenne", "id": 960934, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" } ] }{ "count": 338658, "next": "