Translation components API.
See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.
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"timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:38:29.872887Z", "action": 59, "target": "በ እርስዎ ቻርትስ ውስጥ ይህን አካባቢ ለ ሁለተኛ አክሲስ ይጠቀሙ: ተከታታይ ዳታ ቀደም ብሎ ለዚህ አክሲስ ተመድቦ ከ ነበረ: $[officename] ራሱ በራሱ አክሲስ እና ምልክት ያሳያል: እርስዎ እነዚህን ማሰናጃዎች በኋላ ማጥፋት ይችላሉ: ምንም ዳታ ካልተመደበ ለዚህ አክሲስ እና እርስዎ ይህን አካባቢ ካስጀመሩ: የ ቀዳሚ Y አክሲስ ዋጋዎች ለ ሁለተኛ አክሲስ ይፈጸማል", "id": 36253569, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:38:29.872843Z", "action": 59, "target": "ሁለተኛ አክሲስ", "id": 36253568, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:38:29.872799Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"modules/schart/ui/insertaxisdlg/primaryZ\">የ Z አክሲስ በ ንዑስ ክፍሎች ውስጥ ማሳያ </ahelp> ይህን አክሲስ ማሳየት የሚቻለው በ 3ዲ ቻርትስ ብቻ ነው", "id": 36253567, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:38:29.872757Z", "action": 59, "target": "Z አክሲስ", "id": 36253566, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:38:29.872715Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"modules/schart/ui/insertaxisdlg/primaryY\">የ Y አክሲስ በ ንዑስ ክፍሎች ውስጥ ማሳያ</ahelp>", "id": 36253565, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:38:29.872673Z", "action": 59, "target": "Y አክሲስ", "id": 36253564, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:38:29.872629Z", "action": 59, "target": "<ahelp hid=\"modules/schart/ui/insertaxisdlg/primaryX\">የ X 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"author": null, "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:38:29.872431Z", "action": 59, "target": "አክሲስ", "id": 36253559, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:38:29.872381Z", "action": 59, "target": "<bookmark_value>አክሲስ: ማሳያ አክሲስ በ ቻርትስ ውስጥ</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>ቻርትስ: ማሳያ አክሲስ</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>X አክሲስ: ማሳያ</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>Y አክሲስ: ማሳያ</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>Z አክሲስ: ማሳያ</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>አክሲስ: ጥሩ መመጠኛ</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>ሁለተኛ አክሲስ በ ቻርትስ ውስጥ</bookmark_value>", "id": 36253558, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-09-11T22:38:29.872331Z", "action": 59, "target": "አክሲስ", "id": 36253557, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", 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